Year of France in Russia: Cathars.
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In the Year of France in Russia on December, 24th, 2010 in the Lecture Center of the St. Petersburg Branch of the ICR (in the Library of History and Culture of St. Petersburg, 72 Marata St.) there was a lecture with video presentation on the theme: “Cathars”, made by H.Yu.Tomsha.
Saint Love Religion”, “apostolic Christianity”, “teaching of the perfect”…. These were the names for the cathars’ belief, which was spread in Europe in XII century; it went from Slavic lands to Provance and Languedoc region of Southern France. From the past their deep understanding of honest belief, love and aspiration to true freedom reached us today. Remembering tragic history of the Cathars the present world bows down before their courage, determination and strength of their spirit. |
«Cosmic World Outlook: Origin, Problems, Prospects of Development» Round Table
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“Cosmic World Outlook: Origin, Problems, Prospects of Development” Round Table took place in the Scientist’s Club by the name of M.Gorky (The Russian Academy of Scientists) on December, 1st , 2010 in St.Petersburg.
The Round table was in the frames of a monthly seminar held by Chair of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge of Faculty of Philosophy, St.Petersburg State University. Well-known scientists and scholars from Moscow and St.Petersburg who study important philosophic questions such as Russian cosmism and cosmic reality philosophy “Living Ethics” were interested in the Round table theme.
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Indian Artist Surjit Akre’s Exhibition in Museum-apartment of I.I. Brodsky
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“Cosmic World Outlook: Origin, Problems, Prospects of Development” Round Table took place in the Scientist’s Club by the name of M.Gorky (The Russian Academy of Scientists) on December, 1st , 2010 in St.Petersburg.
The Round table was in the frames of a monthly seminar held by Chair of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge of Faculty of Philosophy, St.Petersburg State University. Well-known scientists and scholars from Moscow and St.Petersburg who study important philosophic questions such as Russian cosmism and cosmic reality philosophy “Living Ethics” were interested in the Round table theme.
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Opening of “The Realm of Roerich” Exhibition
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“The Realm of Roerich” exhibition opened on November, 28th in the Chekov library, St.Petersburg, Russia, shows reproductions of the Roerich’s paintings. The exhibition was opened with a video lecture about life and creative work of Nicholas Roerich, the lecture was presented by Kucheryavenko Yelena, a lecturer of the St.Petersburg Branch of the International Centre of the Roerichs. The lecturer spoke on various facets of creative work of the famous artist and answered the visitors questions. The exhibition shows also books published by the International Centre of the Roerichs, the books one can read in the library during the exhibition till January, 2011.
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«Devas Dancing Party»
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November, 14th is Javāharlāl Nehrū’s birthday (1889-1964), the famous prime-minister of Independent India. On this day India celebrates Children’s Day - “Devas Dancing Party”. Javāharlāl Nehrū said that children are inspiration source, full of energy and hope, and the nation’s future is in irreproachable care the society gives to children.
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«Unity is Diversity» Exhibition is opened in the Youth’s Club
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On November, 21st, 2010 a lecture was held within the frames of the “Unity is Diversity” exhibition which is taking place in the Youth’s Club “Frunzensky” in St.Petersburg, RF. The lecturer was E.A.Tomsha, Chairman of the St.Petersburg Branch of the International Centre of the Roerichs. He acquainted the visitors with scientific research in the spheres of knowledge which help to understand nature events and to explain interaction of a man, nature and cosmos in diversity.
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Lecture Centre of the SPBranch of the ICR
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Year of France in Russia: on November, 19, 2010 in the Library of History and Culture of St.Petersburg (72, Marata St., St.Petersburg, RF) there was a meeting of the Lecture Centre of the St. Petersburg Branch of the International Centre of the Roerichs . The meeting was devoted to impressionism in world art. E.A.Tomsha, Chairman of the SPB of the ICR, held a lecture about the impressionism origin, artists and musicians – impressionists, who gave bright impulse to the world culture. After the lecture there was shown a film about Oscar-Claude Monet (Great Britain production); the film helped to understand impressionism itself and to know more about life of the famous artist.
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Lecture Centre Meeting of the SPBranch of the ICR in the Library of History and Culture of St.Petersburg, RF
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On October, 29th, 2010 in the Library of History and Culture of St.Petersburg (72 Marata St., St.Petersburg, RF) there was a meeting of the Lecture Centre of the SPBranch of the ICR. E.A.Tomsha, Chairman of the SPBranch of the ICR made a lecture about the Roerich Pact: “St.Petersburg Origins of the Roerich Pact”. The idea of protecting cultural heritage was initiated by Nicholas Roerich in the end of XIX century; E.A.Tomsha described how the idea developed before 1917. The speech was followed with a video-presentation which showed photo documents of the ICR archives and other sources.
The meeting finished with showing of Valeriy Shatin’s film about the Roerich Pact -“Time to Gather Stones”.
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«75 years of the Roerich Pact” Exhibition in the Russian National Library, St.Petersburg, RF
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In 2010 the world community celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Roerich Pact known in the world as the first International Treaty on protection for historic monuments, museums, scientific, artistic, educational and cultural institutions. The Treaty was signed on April 15, 1935 in Washington.
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75 anniversary of the Roerich Pact Gala Events in the Museum by the name of Derzhavin, St.Petersburg, RF
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On June, 10th,2010 in commemoration of the Roerich Pact Anniversary in the Museum by the name of Derzhavin there was opening of «75 anniversary of the Roerich Pact” exhibition from photo documents archive of the International Centre of the Roerichs (Moscow); “Museums in modern Russia: problems and perspectives” round table was also held .
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Celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Roerich Pact on the juridical faculty of the Saint-Petersburg University
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This year the world community celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Roerich Pact known in the world as the first International Treaty on protection for historic monuments, museums, scientific, artistic, educational and cultural institutions. The Treaty was signed on April 15, 1935 in Washington by the representatives of 21 nations of North and South Americas at presence of the US President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
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