The new NGO – the Committee for the Preservation of the Roerichs' Heritage – was founded in Moscow
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On December 3, 2012 the new organization "The Committee for the Preservation of the Roerichs' Heritage" was registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia.
The Committee was founded to implement the Resolution of the International Scientific and Public Conference "The 75 Anniversary of the Roerich Pact" which was held in the Museum named after Nicholas Roerich in Moscow on October 11, 2010. The Committee Meeting of Founders was held on October 12, 2012.
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A joint delegation of the Committee for the Preservation of the Roerichs' Heritage and the International Centre of the Roerichs visited the UN Office at Geneva
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In the UN Office at Geneva: Mr. Alexander V. Stetsenko, First Deputy Director General of tne Museum named after Nicholas Roerich, Mr. K.G. Tokaev, Director of the UN Office at Geneva, Deputy Secretary General of UNO and Mr. Alexander P. Losyukov, President of the Committee for the Preservation of the Roerichs' Heritage
On November 26-28, 2012 the delegation consisted of Mr. Alexander P. Losyukov, President of the Committee for the Preservation of the Roerichs' Heritage, Mr. Alexander V. Stetsenko, First Deputy Director General of tne Museum named after Nicholas Roerich, and Mrs Natalia N. Cherkashina, Deputy Director General of tne Museum named after Nicholas Roerich, visited the UN Office and Permanent Mission of Russia to the UN at Geneva in order to establish relations and broaden of cooperation.
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ICR took part in the Europa Nostra Council meeting in Finland
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On November 22–23, 2012 the House of Nobility in Helsinki, Finland hosted the meeting of the Council of the Pan-European Federation “Europa Nostra”. The ICR, that became part of the Council of this prestigious European organization in 2011, also took part in the event.
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The International Centre of the Roerichs statement concerning the preservation of the Tataguni Estate, Bangalore, India
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On 22 November, the “Times of India” reported, that the proposal was introduced into the Legislative Assembly of the Indian state Karnataka to turn the part of the Tataguni Estate which belonged to Svetoslav Roerich into the dump garbage. This proposal was introduced by Mr M. Srinivas former Parliament Member, and presently member of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly.The International Centre of the Roerichs founded by Svetoslav N. Roerich is certain in necessity to express its extreme concerns on this issue.
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"Rabindranath Tagore – Indian Culture Messenger" exhibition – a joint project of Consulate General of India in St. Petersburg and St. Petersburg Branch of the International Center of the Roerichs in Chekhov Library, St.Petersburg, Russia
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"Rabindranath Tagore – Indian Culture Messenger" exhibition was opened in Chekhov Library (St.Petersburg, Russia). The exhibition is a joint project of Consulate General of India in St. Petersburg and the Regional Non-Governmental Organization “St. Petersburg Branch of the International Non-Governmental Organization “The International Center of the Roerichs””.
Rabindranath Tagore is a world-known poet and an artist, a teacher and a philosopher, an Indian great cultural and public figure. Helena Kucheryavenko, a St.Petersburg Branch ICR lecturer, presented a lecture with a video-presentation about life and creative work of the greatest son of India.
International Public Scientific Conference “George Roerich 110th Birth Anniversary”
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October 8, 2012 saw a gala opening of the exhibition of paintings by the outstanding Russian artist Nicholas Roerich at the Museum named after Nicholas Roerich. The exhibition of his works from private collections was timed to the opening of the International Public and Scientific Conference "George Roerich 110th Birth Anniversary".
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VESTI TV Channel: Russia and India will create Museum of the Roerichs in Naggar (India)
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The Roerichs’ heritage is of great cultural value for Russia as well as for India; and Russia is ready to take part in its preservation on federal level, said Dmitry Rogozin, Vice-Chairman of the RF Government, who came to Naggar (India) to take part in bilateral meeting of The India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Trade, Economic, and Cultural Cooperation.
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The Living Ethics as a Creative Impulse for Cosmic Evolution. Moscow. ICR, Master-Bank. 2012. (Roerich Scientific and Popular Library)
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Materials of the International Scientific and Public 2011 Conference are in this edition.
The Conference organiser – The International Centre of the Roerichs with participation of the United Scientific Centre for Cosmic Thinking Problems, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Cosmonautics Academy by name of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Institute of the History of Science and Technology by name of K.V. Vavilov, International Association of Peace Foundations, International Humanitarian Foundation “Znaniye” by name of K.V. Frolov,
International Ligue for Protection of Culture, Charitable Fund by name of Helena Roerich. The Conference was supported by the UN Information Center in Moscow. The Conference was held on October 2011.
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