Jubilee Presentation of "Culture and Time" Journal and L.Shaposhnikova Exhibition "On the Master’s Route" in Nabokov Museum, St.Petersburg
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Jubilee Presentation of "Culture and Time" Journal and L.Shaposhnikova Exhibition "On the Master’s Route" took place on December, 21st , 2011 in Nabokov museum (the museum is a division of the St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Philology and Arts). The presentation was devoted to the 10th anniversary of the public, social and artistic journal “Culture and Time”. The presentation was followed by opening of L.Shaposhnikova exhibition “On the Master’s Route”.
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Museum named after Nicholas Roerich Hosted Seminar Dedicated to Cultural Heritage Preservation with Participation of the International Committee of the Red Cross
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The Seminar «Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and Other Emergency Situations» was held on November 15th, 2011 at the International Centre of the Roerichs, Moscow.
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"R.Tagore – Indian Culture Messenger" exhibition in Prokofyev Library in St.Petersburg, Russia devoted to 150th anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore
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"R.Tagore – Indian Culture Messenger" exhibition in Prokofyev Library in St.Petersburg, Russia devoted to 150th anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore
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Public lectures about Nicholas Roerich’s Series "Banners of the East" in St.Petersburg, Russia. The second lecture “Sergius, the Builder. 1924.”
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28.10.2011 Public lectures about Nicholas Roerich’s Series "Banners of the East" in St.Petersburg, Russia. The second lecture “Sergius, the Builder. 1924.”
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A cycle of lectures in Russian National Library, St.Petersburg, Russia.
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“The Roerichs Creative Heritage as a Basis for New Cosmic Outlook” - A cycle of lectures of the Joint Research Center of Problems of Cosmic Mind (JRCPCM, Moscow) held in the Lecture Hall of the Russian National Library, St.Petersburg, 2011-2012
On October, 26th , 2011 in the Lecture Hall of the Russian National Library in St.Petersburg there was opened a cycle of lectures on the theme: “The Roerichs Creative Heritage as a Basis for New Cosmic Outlook”. The lectures are held by the Joint Research Center of Problems of Cosmic Mind (JRCPCM, Moscow).
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«Living Ethics as Creative Impulse for Cosmic Evolution»
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On October 8, 2011 the International Centre of the Roerichs saw the opening of the annual International Scientific Public Conference «Living Ethics as Creative Impulse for Cosmic Evolution».
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An International academic and cultural center will be founded in Southern India
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New Delhi, August 9 / reported by H. Protopopova ITAR-TASS/
The Roerich family estate Tatgunni, located near Bangalore in the state of Karnataka in South West India, will be turned into an international academic and cultural center. As Mr Kadakin, Ambassador of Russia in India, told ITAR TASS, it was made possible by a ruling of the Supreme Court of India, which took the decision on the ownership of the Estate land. According to the court decision the Tatgunni Estate will be passed under the control of Karnataka state government.
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The Jubilee Year: 180 anniversary of Helena Blavatsky
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On May, 27th an event devoted to 180 anniversary of Helena Blavatsky finished the annual lecture course of the Lecture Center of the SPBranch of the ICR .
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Tagore – Messenger of Indian Culture
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Tagore – Messenger of Indian Culture
(To 150th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore)
In 2011 the world public celebrates the 150th birth anniversary of R.Tagore (May, 7th, 1861 – August, 7th, 1941), the Nobel Prize laureate and the world-known Indian poet, writer and playwright, composer and artist, famous public figure. In the XX century Tagore by means of his aspiration to beauty, harmony, and by his tireless work opened the Indian culture to the Western world.
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Year of Italy in Russia: Lecture Devoted to Leonardo da Vinchi
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In the Year of Italy in Russia, on April, 22nd, 2011 in the Library of History and Culture of St. Petersburg (72,Marata St.), (lecture centre of the St. Petersburg Branch of the International Centre of the Roerichs) there was a lecture devoted to Leonardo da Vinchi – a unique genius in the history of mankind. A video presentation about Leonardo da Vinch was made by Helena Yu. Tomsha, head of Scientific Research Section of the St. Petersburg Branch of the ICR. Leonardo da Vinchi made foundations for modern sciences: botany, anatomy, geology, biology, physics, mechanics, astronomy, art and architecture. Though his work and inventions were embodied only several centuries later… The audience also saw extracts from a feature film “La Vita di Leonardo Da Vinci” (1971), “Gold Globe” award in 1973, an Italian director Renato Kastellani. The lecture was held by Eduard Tomsha, the chairman of the St. Petersburg Branch of the International Centre of the Roerichs.
Janusz Korczak: Teacher, Writer, Doctor and Public Figure
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March, 25th, in the Library of History and Culture of St. Petersburg (72, Marata St.), (lecture hall of the St. Petersburg Branch of the International Centre of the Roerichs) there was a lecture devoted to Janusz Korczak. “There are no children, there are people with different knowledge, different experience, different inspirations and different game of feelings”, these are the words of Janusz Korczak, a teacher and a humanist; welfare of his students and respect of a child’s personality were the highest for him. “How to Love a Child” and “The Child's Right to Respect” are the main books of Korczak, the writer.
Natalya N. Salnis , a musical expert, a Russian Union of Composers member, a translator of many Janusz Korczak’s works into Russian told the audience about his life, activities, his great love to children and his self-sacrifice.
Lecture Centre of the St. Petersburg Branch of the ICR: “Helena Roerich. Touches to the Portrait”
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“Helena Roerich. Touches to the Portrait” – this was a name of a regular meeting of the lecture centre of the St. Petersburg Branch of the ICR that was held on February, 25th, 2011 in the Library of History and Culture of St. Petersburg (72, Marata St.). The lecture was devoted to life and creative work of an outstanding compatriot, philosopher and thinker, writer and translator – to Helena Roerich; her birth day is celebrated on February, 12th.
Collaborators of St. Petersburg Branch of the ICR made reports, each was about a different facet of Helena Roerich’s life and creative work. This made it possible for the public to grasp width and depth of Helena Roerich’s knowledge, to realize the value and amount of work that this amazing woman managed to accomplish in one life.
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