Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the International Roerich Memorial Trust in Shimla
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Russia and India have agreed to actively cooperate in the conservation and development of the museum complex in the nature reserve of the Roerich estate in the village of Naggar in the Western Himalayas.
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The 110th Birth Anniversary of Svetoslav Roerich at the IRMT
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At the Himalayan Roerich Estate in Naggar there was celebrated the 110th Birth Anniversary of Svetoslav Roerich, the younger son of Nicholas and Helena Roerich. The Indians and Russians united in honoring the artistic and human genius of Svetoslav Roerich gathered around the sacred fire burnt in memory of this prominent artist repeating after a pujari-priest the wonderful words of Shanti-puja – a prayer for peace and good, a prayer of blessing. “Indeed, only peace leads to happiness, gives hope for success and well-being. May this wonderful blessing guide all our doings, all our creative activities and our hopes,” Svetoslav Roerich wrote.
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The XYI Open Regional Contest of Musical and Artistic Creativity “Color and Sound of Roerich’s Empire” in India and Russia
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On October, 9th, 2014, on the birth-anniversary of Nicholas Roerich the photo exhibition prepared by the International Centre of the Roerichs in cooperation with the International Roerich Memorial Trust was presented to the guests at the IRMT Exhibition Hall. The exhibition was solemnly opened by the Minister-Counselor of the RF Embassy in India Denis Alipov and the Executive Secretary, the ICR Board member Pavel Zhuravikhin. The display includes archive photos, informational banners and reproductions of the Master’s paintings and tells about the major stages of Nicholas Roerich’s life path.
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The Banner of Peace was presented to the General Secretary of Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS
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The Second Day of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS Forum started with the gala opening of the international project “The Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” in the Tauride Palace. Aleksey Sergeev, the General Secretary of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS, took part in the opening ceremony.
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First Youth Inter-Parliamentary Assembly CIS Forum houses the “Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” exhibition, Tauride Palace, St.Petersburg
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On October, 24th, the second day of the Forum, Tauride Palace housed gala opening of the Russian part of the International exhibition project “The Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” dated to 80th anniversary of signing the first Treaty for protection of artistic, scientific, historical monuments (the Roerich Pact).
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The “Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” exhibition was held in the Russian National Library, St.Petersbrug
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The International exhibition project the “Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” held in the Russian National Library from September, 25 to October 18, was a great success.
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Nicholas Roerich’s Birth Anniversary at the IRMT
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Nicholas Roerich’s Birth Anniversary on 9 October 2014 at the International Roerich Memorial Trust traditionally started with Shanti Puja – a prayer for forgiveness and welfare – hold at the site of Nicholas Roerich cremation (Samadhi) nearby the commemorative Stone from where there opens a view of the majestic white-capped peaks of the twin Gepang – the Mount “M” as the Roerichs would call it. Admirers of Roerich’s creative work from different countries gathered around the sacred fire to honor in their high thoughts the memory of the eminent Russian sage and Maharishi Nicholas Roerich.
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Celebrations dedicated to Nicholas Roerich’s anniversary are ongoing at the IRMT
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On Saturday 4 October, the IRMT welcomed its honored guests – His Excellency RF Ambassador in India and a lifetime IRMT trustee Mr. Alexander Kadakin, DC Kullu-cum-Director IRMT Mr. Rakesh Kanwar, Executive Secretary of the International Centre of the Roerichs (Moscow) Mr. Pavel Zhuravikhin.
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The Conference “Russia and the Roerichs’ Heritage” has finished in Moscow
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An international scientific and public conference “Russia and the Roerichs’ Heritage” was held at the Museum named after Nicholas Roerich. It was timed to the 140th anniversary of the great artist, scientist, and public figure. In this year we also celebrate 135th birth anniversary of Helena Roerich and 110th anniversary of Svetoslav Roerich.
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An international scientific and public conference “Russia and the Roerichs’ Heritage” is taking place in Moscow
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The second day of the international scientific and public conference “Russia and the Roerichs’ Heritage”, which is being held at the International Centre of the Roerichs, began with a report “The Roerichs’ Heritage and the Authorities”. This topic was presented by Vice-President of the International Centre of the Roerichs, First Deputy Director General of the Museum named after Nicholas Roerich Mr. Alexander Stetsenko.
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International Exhibition Project “The Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” in St.Petersburg
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On September, 25, 2014 the “International Exhibition Project “The Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” started in St.Petersburg with gala opening of the Project in the Russian National Library.
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International Centre of the Roerichs has proposed a peacemaking initiative
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Under the patronage of UNESCO and the Commission of the Russian Federation on UNESCO affairs and within the framework of the International Day of Peace celebrations the Museum named after Nicholas Roerich organized a round table. Its participants adopted a resolution, which contains the address to the renowned international organizations (UN and UNESCO), heads of states and governments and international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to do everything within their power in order to create understanding in the society of the role of Culture as the true foundation of Peace.
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