Himalayan Roerich Estate and Russian country estate culture
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In October and November 2019 Shatko V.G., Ph.D, Biology and Potapova S.A., Scientific Secretary of The Botanic Gardens Council of Russia and CIS – officers of The Main Botanical Garden named after N.V.Tsitsin of Russian Academy of Sciences gave talks on Himalayan Roerich Estate at conferences in Leo Tolstoy Museum-Estate "Yasnaya Polyana" (October 8–10th) and in Moscow Schusev State Museum of Architecture (November 18–20th).
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Svetoslav Roerich 115th Anniversary Celebration in the Roerich Estate, “Silent Blessings” Painting Exhibition by Him Chatterjee
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Svetoslav Roerich anniversary celebration in the International Roerich Memorial Trust was marked with two important events: opening “Silent Blessings” painting exhibition by Professor Him Chatterjee and International scientific conference “Russia-India: the Art, Philosophy and Culture”, organized by the International Centre of the Roerichs and the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow.
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Nicholas Roerich’s Birthday Celebration in the Green Theatre of the IRMT
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The festive program dedicated to the 145th Birth Anniversary of Nicholas Roerich which started with puja at Nicholas Roerich’s Samadhi, hoisting the national flags of India and Russia, grand opening of sculptural portraits of Nicholas and Helena Roerich and with opening of the Russian artist Lola Lonli’s exhibition, continued on the ground of the Green Theatre of the IRMT.
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Opening of the first in India Portrait Busts of Nicholas and Helena Roerich in their Himalayan Estate in Naggar marked the Birthday of the Great Russian Artist
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The 145th Birth Anniversary of Nicholas Roerich was marked by an important and joyful event: the installation of the first sculptural monuments of Nicholas Roerich and his wife Helena Roerich in the Himalayan Estate of the Roerichs in Naggar.
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The opening of the October Festival dedicated to the anniversaries of Nicholas and Svetoslav Roerichs at the International Roerich Memorial Trust
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This year the traditional Autumn Festival in the Himalayan Roerich Estate is dedicated to the 145th Birth Anniversary of Nicholas Roerich and the 115th Birth Anniversary of Svetoslav Roerich. The Festival opened on 5th of October with a creative event for the children and youth. Students of the Helena Roerich Academy of Art for children, IRMT, and other students of the local schools gathered in the morning at the IRMT to take part in the Festival «Russia-India: From Heart to Heart» organised by IRMT and volunteers of the International Centre of the Roerichs, Moscow. On this day respected guests Smt. Sushma Sharma, President of the Naggar Panchayat, Mrs. Natalya Cherkashina, Director of the Non-Governmental Museum named after Nicholas Roerich (ICR, Moscow) and Smt. Lalita Kanwar, Managing Academic Director and Principal of La Montessori School, Kullu, HP, honoured the celebrations with their presence.
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Announcement of the International Center of the Roerichs
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On 5 August 2019 the official site of the Russian Federation providing information on auctions (auction marketplace) announced that in order to settle the debt of the International Center of the Roerichs to the tax authorities the painting by Nicholas Roerich “The Black Gobi” (rus. «Черная Гоби») owned by the non-governmental organization would be put up for auction.
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2019 is the anniversary year for two remarkable Russian artists and thinkers whose creativity is the bridge between Russia and the East – academician Nicholas Roerich and his younger son academician Svyatoslav Roerich. Nicholas Roerichs’ wife, Helena Roerich, was an original thinker who combined in his work the philosophy of East and West.
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Past, Present and Future of the Lopukhin Estate. Object of Cultural and Historical Heritage of the 17th–19th Centuries
“Beauty - the foundation of Cosmos.” Interactive program at the Helena Roerich Academy of Arts for Children of the International Roerich Memorial Trust in Naggar
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The final day of the Spring Festival of Culture at the International Roerich Memorial Trust, dedicated to the 140th Birth Anniversary of Helena Roerich, was marked by the informative and creative interactive program “Beauty – the foundation of Cosmos”, which took place on May 5 at the Helena Roerich Academy of Arts for Children of the Cultural-Educational Centre, IRMT.
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The Labour Day on the Lama House territory of the International Roerich Memorial Trust, Naggar
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During the Spring Festival of Culture at the International Roerich Memorial Trust, Russian and Indian employees of the IRMT, together with a group of volunteers of the International Center of the Roerichs (Moscow) from different cities of Russia, on May 3, 2019 held a volunteer clean-up in the Lama House of the IRMT.
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International Academic Seminar “Helena Roerich. Facets of creativity” in the International Roerich Memorial Trust
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On May 1, in continuation of the Russian-Indian Spring Roerich Festival of Culture, the International Roerich Memorial Trust held an academic seminar “Helena Roerich. Facets of Creativity” dedicated to the 140th Birth Anniversary of Helena Roerich.
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India-Russia Spring Culture Festival at the Himalayan Roerich Estate
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In 2019, the anniversary year of the Roerichs, the traditional India-Russia Spring Culture Festival at the International Roerich Memorial Trust was titled “Helena Roerich: the unique thinker, writer, philosopher”. The Festival was dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the outstanding Russian woman whose creative heritage and most extensive spiritual experience made a truly invaluable contribution to the treasure house of world culture.
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