News of the Branch


The Spiritual Teacher Day in the International Center of the Roerichs


A gala meeting devoted to the Spiritual Teacher Day took place in the International Center of the Roerichs. The  holiday is a traditional celebration of the first record of the Living Ethics made by Helena Roerich in 1920. The holiday is honored by all the Roerichs followers. Presentation of Ludmila Shaposhnikova’s book “Messengers of Cosmic Evolution” was timed to the Spiritual Teacher Day celebration.

The gala meeting on March, 25th, 2013 started with Scryabin music. Ludmila Shaposhnikova, the general director of the Museum, opening the meeting, reminded the public that in 2007 March, 25th was established by the RF Government as Day of Culture Workers of Russia. L.Shaposhnikova told about the significant work of Helena Roerich over creating the Living Ethics Teaching together with the Great Teacher; she also stressed the importance of prophetic words of the Great Teachers for all history of humanity and for the modern time.

Galina Sokolovskaya presented her painting devoted to George Roerich to the Museum.
Viktor Frolov, the general director deputy in science, presenting the L.Shaposhnikova’s book, described the process of knowledge coming into the Earth reality of the mankind.  Tatyana Knizhnik, editor-in-chief of the ICR stressed the importance of the information in the book about the great figures in the history of mankind.

Marga Kuztarova, the Sophia University, Bulgaria, spoke about the importance of the book for development of cosmic thinking metascience. V.G.Sokolov, a ICR scholar, noted that important role in the book is given to the development of man’s consciousness.  Doctor of Philosophy O.A.Lavreneva reminded the public that it was Helena Roerich’s idea to depict truthful images of great public figures who gave knowledge to the mankind and it is Ludmila Shaposhnikova who put Helena Roerich’s idea into reality through her book. T.N.Sergyeyeva, the Ukraine scholar, spoke about the importance of the book for the future generations.
The ICR President, A.V.Postnikov stressed the  importance of scientific methods used in the book.  

The evening was finished with a musical concert played by the international contest laureate Aleksandr Kudryavztev.


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