A new international exhibition project «The Roerich Pact. Peace through Culture» is starting in St. Petersburg
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An official opening of an exhibition of a new international cultural and educational project of the International Centre of the Roerichs: “The Roerich Pact. Peace through Culture” will take place at the Architect House on August, 14th, 2020, St. Petersburg. The exhibition organizers are: The International Centre of the Roerichs (the ICR), the St. Petersburg Branch of the ICR, The St. Petersburg Union of Architects, the International Roerichs’ Heritage Protection Committee, and The Charitable Foundation named after Helena Roerich, under support of the Consulate General of India in St. Petersburg, RF.
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On April 15, 2020, the International Round Table “The Roerich Pact – Peace through Culture” was held
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On April 15, 2020, the International panel discussion (Round Table) on the theme of “The Roerich Pact. Peace through Culture”, dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of the Roerich Pact, as well as the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the World War II and the Victory of the Soviet nation in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945 as its inextricable part, was held online via interactive broadcasting.
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APPEAL of the participants of the International Panel Discussion “Roerich Pact. Peace through Culture” to Russian and international community
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On 15 April 2020 an international panel discussion “Roerich Pact. Peace through Culture”, dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of the Roerich Pact, 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the World War II and its inseparable part the Victory of the Soviet nation in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945, was held online via interactive broadcasting.
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“Russia – India: the Art, Philosophy and Culture”: the 2nd Session of the International Academic Interdisciplinary Conference “Russia and the East: the Art, Philosophy and Culture” took place in the International Roerich Memorial Trust
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On October, 23–34, during the 115th Svetoslav Roerich Birth Anniversary celebration in the Roerich estate in Kullu valley the second Session of the International Academic Interdisciplinary Conference “Russia and the East: the Art, Philosophy and Culture” took place and it was devoted to the subject of deep historical ties between Russia and India.
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The International Center of the Roerichs called upon the President of the United States not to violate the Roerich Pact by destroying cultural heritage
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On 5 January the President of the USA Donald Trump on his twitter warned Iranian government that the USA would respond to Iranian attacks against either Americans or American assets by targeting Iranian sites including those “important to Iran and the Iranian culture” and that they “will be hit very fast and very hard”.
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Himalayan Roerich Estate and Russian country estate culture
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In October and November 2019 Shatko V.G., Ph.D, Biology and Potapova S.A., Scientific Secretary of The Botanic Gardens Council of Russia and CIS – officers of The Main Botanical Garden named after N.V.Tsitsin of Russian Academy of Sciences gave talks on Himalayan Roerich Estate at conferences in Leo Tolstoy Museum-Estate "Yasnaya Polyana" (October 8–10th) and in Moscow Schusev State Museum of Architecture (November 18–20th).
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Svetoslav Roerich 115th Anniversary Celebration in the Roerich Estate, “Silent Blessings” Painting Exhibition by Him Chatterjee
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Svetoslav Roerich anniversary celebration in the International Roerich Memorial Trust was marked with two important events: opening “Silent Blessings” painting exhibition by Professor Him Chatterjee and International scientific conference “Russia-India: the Art, Philosophy and Culture”, organized by the International Centre of the Roerichs and the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow.
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Nicholas Roerich’s Birthday Celebration in the Green Theatre of the IRMT
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The festive program dedicated to the 145th Birth Anniversary of Nicholas Roerich which started with puja at Nicholas Roerich’s Samadhi, hoisting the national flags of India and Russia, grand opening of sculptural portraits of Nicholas and Helena Roerich and with opening of the Russian artist Lola Lonli’s exhibition, continued on the ground of the Green Theatre of the IRMT.
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