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International Scientific and Cultural Conference “Ideas of Cosmism in Philosophy, Science and Art. History and Modern World”





International Scientific and Cultural Conference  “Ideas of Cosmism in Philosophy, Science and Art. History and Modern World” took place in Derzhavin museum  on May, 15-17th,2009, St.Petersburg, RF.
The organizers were: SPBranch of the International Centre of the Roerichs, United Scientific Centre For Cosmic Thinking Problems (USCCTP ICR, Moscow), Scientific and Cultural Centre SETI of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, International League for Culture Protection, All-Russia Pushkin Museum, Derzhavin Museum, Nicholas Roerich Estate Museum in Izvara, with the support of St.Petersburg Indian-Russsian Cultural Cooperartion Society, St.Petersburg  Branch of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Museum of Mendeleyev’s Achive of St.Petersburg State University.

The conference took place in Derzhavin Museum on May, 15-16th, and in  Nicholas Roerich Estate Museum in Izvara on May, 17th. Cosmism is unique thing in culture; the term appeared in the ancient Greece and was developed by the Silver Age philosophers , scientists, artists, musicians and poets.  Their Creative work was full of intuitionally understood future changes of the world  and of a man’s mission in the process. Cosmists are: Berdyayev N., Florenskiy Pavel, Bulgakov Sergei, Solovyev Vladimir, Ilyin Ivan; the scientists: Vernadskiy V.I., Tsiolkovskiy K.E., Chizhevskiy A.L., Florenskiy A.P., Bekhterev V.M.. Cosmic world understanding was in art also. The brightest representatives are Nicholas Roerich and Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis, Alexandr Skryabin, a composer. Cosmists widen the human consciousness up to boundless Cosmos, they understand deep interaction of a man and all nature, a man’s responsibility.

At present interest grows to cosmism: the works of cosmists are published, their ideas are researched in the modern scientific works, exhibitions of thinkers-cosmists attract more attention. Cosmic world outlook becomes the XXI century world outlook.

The conference was greeted by: E.A.Tomsha, chairman of the SPB ICR; Gindilis L.M., Academician of RACTS, head of USCCTP ICR, Moscow; Morozova N.P., head of Museum  of Derzhavin G.R. and the Russian Literature of his time; Fursey G.N., RANS academician, vice-president of ILPC, vice-president of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Tchiryatiev M.P., vice-president of the ILPC, RANS councilor. The conference was greeted by the letters from ICR (Moscow) and Memorial Roerich Trust (India).

Scientists, academicians, doctors and candidates of sciences, art critics and musicians, artists, museum workers, teachers and students, public organization representatives took part in the conference. They were from st.Petersburg, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Novgorod and other cities of Russia, from Tatarstan Republic, Ukraine and Belorus.

The reports were about origins of cosmic thinking; ideas of Russian cosmism in culture; Living Ethics as cosmic reality philosophy; the Roerichs contribution to new cosmic thinking development; traditions of Russian and Indian cosmism in art, science, philosophy and religion; cosmism ideas in Blavatsky Helena’s works; cosmism and future science formation; cosmism in art; new epoch and a new man; protection of new cosmic world outlook.

Video and literature and musical composition was shown by the young scientists (the younth group of the USCCTP ICR, Moscow: “Giordano Bruno about  infinity, universe and worlds”.

“Thinkers-cosmists” exhibition was shown during the conference. The exhibition is about Russian cosmists, among who were Fedorov N.F., the founder, Pushkin A.S., Derzhavin G.R., Tyutchev F.I., the poets, Lomonosov M.V. and Pirogov N.I., scientists,  Odoyevskiy A.I. and Tolstoy A.K. ,  writers.

The exhibition shows portraits, biographies and sayings of the great Russian people,  who were messengers of cosmic evolution and had new cosmic thinking.

Tchiryatiev M.P., vice-president of the ILPC, RANS councilor, opened the exhibition stressed the importance of the Russian cosmists’ contribution to the Russian and world culture.
The exhibition is a travelling one, it was created by the SPBranch of the ICR 2 years ago, it is always popular with the public, said Tsareva M.V., head of the exhibition department of the SPB ICR.
On May, 17th the conference continued its work in Nicholas Roerich Estate Museum in Izvara. Tcherkasova O.A., director of Nicholas Roerich Estate Museum in Izvara, member of Committee on Culture of the Union of the Baltic Cities, member of St. Petersburg Scientists’ Union made a speech:  «Activity of Nicholas Roerich Estate Museum in Izvara through N.V.Fyodorov and N.K.Roerich’s Ideas on Museums». Presentation of the “Kultura I Vremya” Journal (“Culture and Time”, the ICR Publishing House, Moscow) took place, by  its worker Chechina T.I.
Concert of musicians, laureates of Russian and international contests finished the conference; Levin Sergei and Tatyana and Chechina Tatyana, a poet reproduced a musical program “We All Have Come from Star Depth...».


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